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Showing posts from June, 2020

Tiktok Banned In India

amidst the border tension India has banned 59 chinese apps. In our last blog  we have mentioned the atmosphere that has been created to boycotting chinese products which is now turning more and more effective. On june 29 india banned the chinese apps stating that these apps are threat to the indians privacy and safety. While this decision got reactions all around the world and in india itself while opposition has welcomed the step by the government. Here it must be mentioned that india is the second largest country with the active users of tiktok with the huge number of 110 million. China stand first with 400 million active users but in china tiktok is known as Douyin. The app had great craze among the youth of the country. Tiktok was highly popular in rural areas of india and many of it's creators turned the real life celebs and many were working to make the impression on the app by making their reach to the maximum number of people. Tiktok's official Statement on Ban  TikTok

Boycott China : The reality

The Chinese Game we are very much aware about the dangerous and the dirty tactics that are adopted by the Chinese Communist Party to exert its influence over the world. And why is it important to boycott China, not only for India, but for every democratic country in the world? Come, let us see how it is possible to boycott. China realistically and practically by us and India. Some of you had asked that if China is resorting to such dirty means- dumping, theft, currency manipulation- then why are the rest of the countries not taking any action against China? The Trade War   Discussions are being held in Australia on how Australia, as a country, can reduce its dependency on China Due to these reasons, Donald Trump in the USA had announced a trade war against China in 2018 And not only Trump but many politicians of the opposition- the Democratic Party- also supported the trade war. So what exactly is entailed in a "trade war"? Trade war basically means that Trump said that all t

World after coronavirus.

 How world after coronavirus would be?  Is a question that every single person has in mind right now, as what seemed like an isolated incident quickly spiraled into a global disaster, infecting – at the time of this writing, March 31st,2020 – close to a million people.Everybody seems to be talking about the world after coronavirus ?. It’s physically impossible to go to any reputable news source and not be bombarded with anxiety-inducing headlines about the latest infection numbers and death tolls. The question has probably crossed your mind Isn’t there more we can do? How and when is this nightmare likely to end  Well, based on the opinions of the world’s leading experts, we hope to provide you with some answers to those questions today. Science writer Ed Yong, who wrote an article over two years ago explaining why a global pandemic was basically unavoidable, has said that there are three potential ways the pandemic can come to an end: The unlikely way, the dangerous way, and the long

Why hydrogen cars are better for india than electric cars?

 In our first blog, we tried to explain why electric vehicles are not future vehicles. Because of which, many people thought that we are speaking against electric vehicles. But it was not so at all. But in this blog, we will try to tell you about technology which is also being used all over the world. And the Toyota company has started to use it. As humans, we don't think before doing anything and by the time we think, it is too late. We humans have done something big with our earth, due to which the temperature of our earth has increased by 1.5 degrees today. And if we do not succeed to below the temperature of our earth by2 degrees by 2050, then we will have to face its terrible consequences, which we would not have even imagined. We could have saved our earth long ago, but the greed of humans forgot its future and by the time the eyes opened, it was too late.  Every three minutes a child dies in India because of inhaling toxic pollutants in the air. Now the preparation is not to

if coronavirus vaccine is never developed?

 COVID-19 is one of the largest and most immediate  threats to human life in the modern day, with millions of infections and hundreds of thousands of deaths to its name. It seems like every day we learn frightening new facts about the disease, like its extreme contagiousness, or its apparent ability to cause massive strokes in some of its victims. But, for many there’s a light at the end of the tunnel: The COVID-19 vaccine that will grant us all immunity from this terrifying virus.    But, we’re sorry to report that actually getting an effective vaccine for COVID-19 isn’t necessarily in the cards. That’s right – like a lot of the most dangerous and complicated problems facing humanity today, the hope for a simple, silver-bullet answer to our problems might just be a futile and even dangerous fantasy. You’ll likely see countless articles about the various vaccine development projects across the globe, and how all of these tests are claiming to be standing on the doorstep


what is Nepotism and how badly it is hitting the outsiders? Bollywood looks like the world of dreams to many of us who go watch the film on big screen and somewhere at a point we all desire to be a part of our favourite films or to share a part of screen with our loving stars but is it in real how it looks like?. Bollywood basically is a industry just like any other one. Here films are made and lots of money and hardwork is put in throughout the process , lot of people technician , labors and rich firms are engaged in this job. Everyday day people from all parts of the country and even from worldwide head to mumbai having a dream to get a  chance in films but only few of them get to succeed. Now because it is a industry and lot of rich and influenced people belong to this there is always an involvement of theirs in some form whether it is being a producer or director of distributor or as lead cast of the film. We often get to hear about the harassment of juniors in this field and it ge