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what is Nepotism and how badly it is hitting the outsiders?

Bollywood looks like the world of dreams to many of us who go watch the film on big screen and somewhere at a point we all desire to be a part of our favourite films or to share a part of screen with our loving stars but is it in real how it looks like?. Bollywood basically is a industry just like any other one. Here films are made and lots of money and hardwork is put in throughout the process , lot of people technician , labors and rich firms are engaged in this job. Everyday day people from all parts of the country and even from worldwide head to mumbai having a dream to get a  chance in films but only few of them get to succeed. Now because it is a industry and lot of rich and influenced people belong to this there is always an involvement of theirs in some form whether it is being a producer or director of distributor or as lead cast of the film. We often get to hear about the harassment of juniors in this field and it gets worse when he or she does not belong to this industry or a newcomer. But the starkids whose parents or friends already there to support them , to give them their first big break always considered as favored and fortunate ones. This trend created an atmosphere of insecurity among the people who wish to work and are talented but they do not have the local support or anyone investing for them like any starkid gets. The word Nepotism is very much in trend after the suicide of a young actor of bollywood. Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide in his flat in mumbai on june 14th morning. The earlier cause that came out of this suicide was that the actor was going through depression from past 6-8 months

Last days of sushant

The last instagram post by the actor was about her mother where he expressed his love for his mother. One can have the idea that it was a major missing of his mother. But if we go a little behind like 6-8 months on his twitter there was a tweet by him that shows that he was feeling quite lonely ever since.
On october 26 last year  he shared a quote by jalaluddin Rumi which says "Like a shadow i am and i am not''. This becomes notable as after this the actor has not posted anything by himself , all the tweets were about film promotions of advertisements .

Aftermath of sushant's suicide 

The bollywood went into shock over his death and many doubted his suicide. Coming from bihar sushant was a very intelligent guy and he was a topper of JEE exam and a physics scholar. Having hard studies he must have gone through depression in his academics but he was hard enough to keep the idea of suicide away but what went wrong in bollywood where he could not hold up the depression.

How bollywood reacted

 Few days later a bollywood actress Kangna ranaut accused some bog bollywood stars as they favour their known over the new talent and that results the depression among the newcomers. From all this a word that has always been the part of film making industry started trending and it was "Nepotism". The word has a meaning of practicing of favouring the family and friend by giving them the opportunity ignoring others.

Nepotism in society

 This has always been there in society. It's not just about bollywood but nepotism is there in politics, sports , business, religion , private corporate , government posts. So there is no field where nepotism does not exist. But is it a crime , well in government sector nepotism is considered as crime and many state governments have their own laws to tackle the nepotism but in a privately controlled fields there is nothing illegal about nepotism as it is practiced on a vast level. In bollywood there are many examples of star sons/daughters who came by the influence of their family and did well infact they ruled the bollywood after the first break on their own talent and on the other hand there are examples of star sons/daughters who were failed to make the impression and were completely denied by the audience. Here question is not the field of nepotism but on morality of the stars who think that a particular field is their territory and no outsider is allowed to work on the level of theirs. 

what Sonu nigam said

The other day bollywood singer came out and spoke widely about the nepotism and the influence of few powerful people on the talent. He indirectly accused salman khan for controlling the film industry and favoring his own friends in music and films. He expressed his concern for the fresh talent and said that industry needs to be less cruel and more kind towards the newcomers whether its in films or music. 


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